Neck and Back Injuries

Back pain, neck strain, thoracic, or sciatica nerve pain due to an accident can cause an immense amount of physical suffering and discomfort. The impact and resulting torque placed on drivers and passengers in an auto accident can be immense. Damage to the muscles, tendons, and bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones can be caused by something as simple as whiplash. The pain associated with your injury may be constant, intermittent, or caused by specific movements, actions, or positions. After a back, neck, or spinal cord injury, you may have encounter some of these common injury-related symptoms:

  • Shooting pains down your legs or arms
  • Migraines and muscle spasms
  • Strain and pain while moving body parts
  • Disabling back pain upon lifting
  • Numbness or tingling in legs, feet, hands, or fingers

A fall at a construction site, a truck accident on the highway, or a slip on a hidden ice hazard can result in serious injuries to the neck and back.

  • A truck accident left a victim paralyzed. We investigated the accident, brought in medical experts and life care planners to assess the resources our client would need to deal with quadriplegia caused by a spinal cord injury.
  • After a dangerous fall caused by poor maintenance, the victim's back pain became worse over time. The herniated disc required surgery and extensive rehabilitation.
  • Soft tissue injuries, including whiplash, are often dismissed by insurance companies as not serious. Our lawyers use medical evidence to prove pain and disability

After an accident, you may experience acute back pain or neck strain that lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Accident injuries to the neck and back are also some of the most common reasons people miss work.

Chronic Pain That Continues

However, some accident victims experience chronic pain that lasts for months, years, or span a lifetime. This is why these injuries require immediate, and sometimes ongoing, medical treatment. It is also why you should seek legal advice to obtain compensation for your losses.

Neck and Back Injury from Accident Neck and Back Injury from Accident