Who’s Responsible For The Accident?

While you’re healing from your injuries, the insurance company will be busy gathering information to make their determination about your claim. If you don’t agree with what the insurance company concludes, it doesn’t mean that you must go with it. It’s not at all unusual for the insurance company to lowball an offer and prompt quick acceptance. For the injured, we understand that learning about who’s responsible for the accident is an immediate concern. Hear what the insurance company has to say, but resist the pressure they may place on you to accept. If you disagree with, or question their offer; you have the right to hire a personal injury attorney to preserve your legal right to fair compensation.

Compensation For Damages In Wisconsin

The state of Wisconsin is a “fault state.” What this means to a personal injury lawsuit is that the party, (or multiple parties), that are proven responsible for the accident are responsible for paying all damages. If you’ve not had previous experiences with injury lawsuits, you may be surprised to learn about Wisconsin’s “comparative negligence rule.” Basically, this rule signifies that you may still recover monetary compensation even if you are partially responsible for the occurrence of the accident. In order to benefit from this rule, it must be proven that you’re less than 50% at fault. In addition, the amount awarded to you will be impacted by this determination. There are many laws in Wisconsin that can impact who’s responsible, (who’s at fault), for the accident. Furthermore, a law doesn’t need to be broken for our injury attorneys to prove fault. An experienced injury attorney be familiar with the state laws, and know how to use them to your advantage.

Who What When Where and Why

Answering the “who, what, when, where and why” questions will ultimately reveal who’s responsible for the accident. Most accidents occur due to carelessness or negligence. But even if there’s no apparent negligence, there still must be someone who is held liable. Claims that aren’t resolved through the insurance are often complicated accident cases. For example, the determination regarding who is at fault may be in question. Possibly, there is some shared fault or a multi-car accident. The moments leading up to the accident may be too vague, or there may be multiple parties involved including insurance companies, businesses, etc. To answer the important “W’s,” our investigative work uncovers details which may have been missed or un-announced by insurance companies. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the responsible party or parties pay for all damages. This is what insurance is for, and you shouldn’t settle for less. Hire Action Law Offices, and we’ll promptly begin gathering information to build your case.

Uncovering Details For More Than Twenty Years

Don’t accept the insurance settlement offer if you’re not 100% certain that it’s fair. Once you’re feeling better, you’re going to have more questions and concerns. Get a second opinion from a law office with a proven track record; one that offers a free case evaluation for new clients. At Action Law Offices, we’ll not only help identify who’s responsible for the accident, we’ll gather the facts needed to prove it. We have the professional team to conduct a thorough investigation- one that goes above and beyond what the insurance has done. There are no fees unless we win your case.

DISCLAIMER: Blogs and articles cover very basic accident and injury topics for education and awareness such as statistics, Wisconsin Laws, injury areas, compensation and injury victim rights. Information not intended for legal advice; consult with an attorney directly.

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